Category: Projects

  • Corridor Tolls for the CRC?

    Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt proposed corridor tolling for I-5 as a Columbia River Crossing financing tool at Friday’s work session. The idea is to toll not just the crossing itself, but segments on either side of the river as well. The political motivation is to spread the costs across a greater set of users. The…

  • Time for the Great CRC Reckoning?

    From the project: Project Sponsors Council and partners to discuss comprehensive package of draft recommendations July 16 VANCOUVER – The Columbia River Crossing Project Sponsors Council will review and discuss on July 16 a comprehensive package of draft recommendations resulting from a four-month collaborative process to address questions raised by Council members. PSC members will…

  • What if the CRC Thought REALLY Big?

    A reader passes along this suggestion that we could emulate Turkey and build a tunnel all the way under downtown Portland into Vancouver.

  • The $100K Pin to Prick a $100M Balloon

    It may be the best $100,000 the City of Portland has ever spent. Mayor Adams commissioned URS to take a second look at the Columbia River Crossing project data. There full report is due imminently (I’m trying to get an electronic copy) but a summary memo has been circulating for the last week or so…

  • How Does Tim Levitt Really Feel About Tolls on the CRC?

    Hard to tell from this TV performance (via the Oregonian commuter blog) from the Vancouver Mayor. I think he opposes them but believes they are inevitable, and after he loses the fight, it won’t be his fault that someone else votes them in. Apparently that passes for leadership on this sorry project.