Category: Organizations

  • Your Questions for Neil, Round 3, Part 1

    Earlier this month I had the opportunity to sit down with TriMet General Manager Neil McFarlane to pose questions on behalf of Portland Transport readers. We’ll be releasing videos of this conversation in four parts, starting this evening with Part 1, focusing on TriMet’s proposed service cuts. This conversation happened on the day of the…

  • TriMet announces scaled-back service cuts (updated)

    Note: A few minor updates have been made to this article since it was first published.. Based on rider feedback, TriMet has announced revised budget and service cut proposals for FY13. Unlike the prior plan, which contained $17M in cuts, this plan only contains $12M in cuts, with the caveat that $5M more may be…

  • Portland Afoot: Three Silver Linings in TriMet Cuts

    I recently wrote an article for Portland Afoot in which I attempt to tease out some good news from the otherwise depressing TriMet service cuts. Much of it will be familiar to readers of my recent posts here on Portland Transport, but in any case, check out the article here. (Also think about subscribing to…

  • What Google Has Done for Public Transportation

    Via Slashdot: A good piece on Xconomy about what Google has helped enable with information about transit service. Portland and our local thought leaders are highlighted.

  • Oregonian Picks Sides in TriMet/ATU Battle

    Squarely on the side of TriMet management, and calling on the Legislature to end binding arbitration for the agency and Amalgamated Transit Union.