Category: Modes

  • What Happens Now When a Streetcar Goes Out of Service?

    As I’ve mentioned here before, because the cars from United Streetcar/Oregon Iron Works are a bit behind schedule (the first car is on the test track at OIW now! but it will still be there a while) to support the new east side line, we have to run every car in our 11 car fleet…

  • On the Impending Transformation of Transportation

    Brian Davis is Portland Transport’s newest contributor. Brian is a Transportation Analyst at Lancaster Engineering, a MS Candidate at PSU where his research involves strategies for increasing sustainability in urban freight, and a carfree resident of downtown Portland. Welcome, Brian! – Chris I’m excited to be joining the discussion at Portland Transport at the onset…

  • Does Portland Need More Taxis?

    Apparently so, according to a staff report (PDF, 151K) prepared for the Private for-Hire Transportation Board and City Council. But as that report, and the accompanying recommendations for industry reform document (PDF, 39K), indicate being a taxi driver is apparently only one step up from indentured servitude. Among the challenges for drivers: Drivers are treated…

  • Would You Like Some Car Sharing with Your Transit?

    Maybe we’ll now have to rename it the mobility appliance, but you can now show the nearest car2go vehicles on your transit appliance. If you’d like to add this to your configuration, get in touch! Now when are we getting bike sharing, and will it have a web service?

  • The OTHER Streetcar Milestone This Weekend

    Lest this get lost in the hoopla surrounding the opening of the Streetcar Loop, please note that the Oregon Iron Works/United Streetcar prototype vehicle is now certified for revenue service and in operation on the streets of Portland! For those who have forgotten the history of this vehicle, it was procured with a grant from…