Does somebody out there have a MAX-shaped voodoo doll?
Westside MAX is down today, as a speeding car trying to negotiate the loop ramp from US26 to OR217 ran off the highway, landing on the MAX tracks at Sunset Transit Center. Nobody at the station was hurt; the driver (who was intoxicated) only suffered minor injuries, and no MAX trains were involved, but the…
KBOO Bike Show – Riding as Profession
Listen to the show (mp3, 25.7MB) We’re talking to professionals again – this time, professional bike riders. Our listeners can probably picture the bike messengers – the lean, fast couriers with a big bag slung over their backs, zipping around downtown delivering documents. But these days, a much wider range of goods is being delivered…
Will Portland Finally Grant New Taxi Permits?
This Wednesday at 2pm the Portland City Council will hold a public hearing and take a vote on the contentious issue of whether or not to grant 132 78 new taxi permits, the first increase from the current 382 permits in a decade (I have learned since first publishing this post that the Revenue Bureau…
The Case for Distance-based Fares
A piece on Streetsblog makes the policy argument for distance-based transit fares. They actually use Portland’s Fareless Square as part of their argument, apparently unaware of recent history. I generally support this line of argument, at least from a pure policy policy point of view. TriMet has argued that one of the pragmatic reasons for…
Counting Bicycles
For the deeply nerdy, the OTREC (Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium) is having a special seminar on Thursday: Speaker: Krista Nordback, University of Colorado, Denver Topic: Estimating Annual Average Daily Bicyclists: Advantages and Pitfalls When: Thursday, October 25, 1-2 p.m. Where: ITS Lab, 375 Engineering Building, PSU (1930 SW 4th Ave) Krista’s specific area…