I Beg Your Pardon, Streetcar Does Not Need to be Fixed
This year’s award for most inflammatory headline has to go to “Portland streetcar bottleneck needs $3.7 million fix less than a decade after tracks laid“. The story refers to finally double-tracking a section of the alignment between 4th Ave and PSU Urban Center around what is known as the “Jasmine Block”. This is not a…
Cyclists and Intersections: A Seminar Double Header
For the next two weeks, the PSU Transportation Seminar will focus on what happens with folks riding bikes at intersections: Why doesn’t that traffic signal ever turn green? An evaluation of roadway markings for cyclists Speaker: Stefan Busse, PSU CEUG Honors Student Topic: Why doesn’t that traffic signal ever turn green? An evaluation of…
Repeating the Sins of Other Modes
One of my favorite ways to start the day is a brisk bike ride to breakfast (I love breakfast sandwiches and wraps – feel free to forward recommendations). One morning this week I headed out to check out the new Roman Candle Baking Co. on Division (five stars – killer granola bowl!). On my approach,…
A Walktober Tour of Portland’s Crosswalks
I’m joined in assembling this post by Kirk Paulsen, who took the photos within and contributed many great ideas. It’s October, or as your local walking advocacy group Oregon Walks has branded it for the last two years, “Walktober.” I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment—there really isn’t a better time to go for a stroll than…
What’s the Impact of Hanjin’s Exit?
Last week it was reported that container shipper Hanjin will stop calling on the Port of Portland in January, this morning the Business Journal starts to figure out the impacts. I expect that some will begin speculating about what this might mean for development of terminals on West Hayden Island. I honestly don’t know the…