Category: Modes

  • Oregonian Looks at the Small Picture

    An editorial in today’s O the editorial board calls Earl Blumenauer’s proposed gax tax increase ‘too steep’ and quotes the “non-partisan Tax Foundation” citing Oregon’s gas tax as among the nation’s 20 highest. Looking at the big picture, it’s worth remembering that Oregon’s motor vehicle fees and taxes when added together are among the nation’s…

  • KBOO Bike Show: Buying by Bike

     Listen to the show (mp3, 25.2MB) Tori and Steph speak with PSU/OTREC researcher Kelly Clifton about her research on the consumer habits of folks using different modes of transportation (spoiler: people traveling by bike spend just as much, but in different patterns).

  • How Not To

    Over the Thanksgiving holiday I had the opportunity to travel back to my home town, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I was right back in ‘motordom’, putting several hundred miles on a rental car driving between New York, Pittsfield and the Boston suburbs (and back). I was interested to note that North Street, the main street in town,…

  • Updated Again: Sharpening Our Game on Bicycle Advocacy

    Updated 11/14/13: BTA may be squirming a bit on their infographic, but the advocacy continues – they’re holding an Advocacy 101 training on November 19 (5:30pm), pizza by Old Town Pizza. Updated 11/13/13: BTA has updated the graphic with revised numbers. You can see the new graphic and the explanation of the changes at their…

  • KBOO Bike Show: Ethicist

     Listen to the show (mp3, 25.8MB) Michelle and Tori talk with Randy Cohen, formerly “The Ethicist” columnist for the New York Times, now host of “Person Place Thing“. They discuss the ethics of everything from paying your transit fare, to who gets the last bike share bike at a station, to whether it’s ethical (if not…