Category: Modes

  • Oregonian still tone-deaf on Port of Portland

    Oregonian still tone-deaf on Port of Portland

    The Oregonian continues to demonstrate its tone-deafness regarding the Port of Portland. Last week, the newspaper revealed its “editorial agenda” for 2014, one plank of which is titled “Portland’s industrial lands scavenger hunt.” The title is misleading. The editorial’s real thrust is to complain bitterly about the city’s policy towards economic development, relying on the…

  • How will Oregon passenger rail’s two alignment options affect Portland?

    Last Thursday, the Oregon Department of Transportation announced that the Oregon Passenger Rail Leadership Council had selected two alternatives for future intercity passenger rail service south of Portland. The alignment selection is part of a planning process to determine the alignment for mid and long-term investments in passenger rail operations in the Willamette Valley. Presently, this corridor is served…

  • TriMet to start bus service planning/outreach in SE and around Milwaukie MAX

    Title says it all.  TriMet is now starting its planning and public outreach activities in preparation of the opening of Portland-Milwaukie MAX next year, and is looking for public input, particularly on the question of how bus service should be reorganized around PMLR.  A set of guidelines for the process can be found here.  The…

  • KBOO Bike Show: Best of 2013

     Listen to the show (mp3, 53.7MB) Tori collates some of the best conversations of 2013, including the audience favorite: “ethicist” Randy Cohen.

  • The inevitable end of container traffic at the Port of Portland

    In recent months, the Port of Portland’s probable loss of the Hanjin shipping company has been in the news. Local media reported on the event, largely painting it as a minor tragedy. Chris, here at Portland Transport, provided his own take, noting how that those businesses using Terminal 6 would now have to truck their…