Your Questions For Neil, “Round 5”, Part 1 – High-Capacity Projects
Last Wednesday, Chris sat down with TriMet’s Neil McFarlane for a discussion focused on your questions. This has become a sort of annual tradition for Portland Transport, and this year we were very pleased to be hosted by the Portland Opera – the Opera headquarters is located on the east bank of the Willamette just…
KBOO Bike Show: Our Bodies Our Bikes
Listen to the show (mp3, 27.2MB) Tori is joined by Dr. Stacy Simms, Exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist, and biomechanical engineer from University of California Davis Judd Van Sickle to talk about what goes on in our bodies when we ride.
Passing the Streetcar Baton
Yesterday Willamette Week announced the retirement of Rick Gustafson as the Executive Director of Portland Streetcar, Inc. This morning, as a member of the PSI Board, I had the chance to vote for his successor, Dan Bower, who for the last several years has been the leader of PBOT’s Active Transportation group. Streetcar has many…
DIY Electric Bikeshare
This guy has designed a 7-pound add-on that converts a Citibike to an electric bike in seconds. It’s not in production yet, but since most of the bikes Alta deploys have similar design, I suspect it might well work here in Portland when we get bike share online.
Editorial: The Name for the Bridge
I ran into Abigail Scott Duniway the other day.