Category: Modes

  • Bridge Pedal ’05

    The brainchild an ex-county commissioner, Rick Bauman, Bridge Pedal has exploded since its rough beginning 10 years ago to becoming the place to be on the third Sunday of August. 20,000 or so riders packed the streets and bridges today, so many, in fact, that there were traffic jams!!! But, the big difference was, everyone…

  • Crossing the Willamette on Sunday (sans Bike)

    If you’re not one of the 19,000 of us who will be crossing and re-crossing the Willamette River on Sunday during the Providence Bridge Pedal, then you might want to look at the following to help get around. TriMet has provided information on bus detours and Mike Pullen from the County passes along the following:…

  • Bicycling and Walking in H.R. 3 SAFETEA-LU

    Congress has passed H.R. 3, SAFETEA-LU, and submitted it to the President for his signature. The legislation amends Titles 23 and 49 of the United States Code and authorizes the expenditure of $286.5 billion dollars over the next five years (2005-2009). Bicycling, walking, and transit seem to have done pretty well. DeFazio, Blumenauer, and others…

  • A Sad Summer is a Call to Action

    It’s been a sad summer in the bicycling community. A friend called me Monday night to report the fifth cyclist death in a Portland-area crash since the start of June. We must stop and mourn the deaths and honor the lives of our neighbors, our friends, and our family members. We also have to respond,…

  • Our Streetscape Future: Turning Japanese?

    The following is a dramatization of actual events. Actual dialog and concepts presented have been compressed and highlighted for loggification purposes: So I’m sitting there at the sushi bar with Portland’s Consul General from Japan, asking him for advice on my upcoming fellowship study (which isn’t easy to do in Japanese – especially as the…