Category: Modes

  • The Portland Bicycle: Gearing

    A few weeks ago we introduced the idea of “The Portland Bicycle”, an entry-level commuter bicycle that would appeal to folks first entering the bicycle commuting realm, designed and manufactured here in our region. The discussion identified the need for commuting bikes at a variety of price/feature points, but we’d like to focus on the…

  • Bike Safety Leadership Workshop on Friday

    This Friday, August 26, from 9-noon, there will be a Bike Safety Leadership Workshop at Southeast Uplift. There will be a Workshop in each neighborhood district coalition in the city. These meetings will be an opportunity to create a common understanding about bicycle safety issues and to initiate a bicycle safety group in each neighborhood…

  • Welcoming Visitors to Hollywood – By Any Mode

    Guest contributor Patrick Donaldson is a member of the Hollywood Boosters. As one of Portland’s oldest organized business districts the Hollywood District continues to identify new methods of attracting and keeping customers for the various goods and services available in our Northeast Portland community. During the expansion of bicycle lanes throughout the city it became…

  • Wanted: An Outbreak of Civility

    Back in March I almost became a pedestrian statistic when I chose to tangle with an impatient motorist and learned the hard way you can’t stop a car with your bare hands. The encounter catapulted me into the street on the back of my head, landed me in the E.R., and threw my autonomic nervous…

  • A Variation on Yellow Bikes?

    Editor’s note: Jerry passes on this link to a bike rental program in France: Rentabike moves up a gear from curiosity to runaway success Could this be made to work in Portland? Is there a market for bicycle rentals if access is made convenient enough?