Bike Safety Leadership Workshop on Friday

This Friday, August 26, from 9-noon, there will be a Bike Safety Leadership Workshop at Southeast Uplift. There will be a Workshop in each neighborhood district coalition in the city. These meetings will be an opportunity to create a common understanding about bicycle safety issues and to initiate a bicycle safety group in each neighborhood district coalition. This is a great opportunity to become more involved with bike safety issues and to be more involved with your neighborhood. If you are interested, please plan to attend the Workshop that is taking place in your neighborhood district coalition. If you are unsure which coalition you live in, please see

The Workshop will include:

  • a presentation about bicycle safety (including bike crash map
  • followed by a bicycle ride to locations emblematic of issues
    related to bicycle safety in the district,
  • followed by a re-group for a discussion about some of the more
    challenging questions (e.g., how do we respond as a community after a
    fatality? how do neighborhoods better access Transportation or Police
    services? etc).

The idea is to build a bicycle safety group in each district coalition
that has a common understanding of bike safety issues and to enable a
bicycle liaison in the Police precincts.

The schedule for the Workshops is:

Friday, 8/26, 9-12:00: Southeast Uplife (SEUL) 3534 SE Main Fireside
Room Thursday, 9/1 from 1-5: Central North Neighborhoods (CNN) 4415 NE
87th in the Community Room Friday, 9/9 from 1-5: North Portland
Neighborhood Services (NPNS) (Kenton Firehouse, 8105 N Brandon)
Thursday, 9/15 from 1-5: East Portland Neighborhood (EPNO) East
Precinct Community Room Thursday, 9/22 from 9-12: Northeast Coalition
of Neighbors (NECN) 4815 NE 7th, Community Room

Workshops will be scheduled for Southwest Neighbors, Inc (SWNI) and
Neighbors West, Northwest (NWNW) very soon. I will send an
announcement of those dates as soon as they are confirmed.

If you have any questions about this effort, please give me a phone
call and I’d be glad to provide any information I can.

Greg Raisman
Community and School Traffic Safety Partnership Portland Office of Transportation
(503) 823-1052


One response to “Bike Safety Leadership Workshop on Friday”

  1. I heard the KBOO bike show (1/4/6) and I had a couple of comments/ideas I wanted to share.

    -I love the free bike route maps in the library-how about a “bikes and cars share the road” free pamphlet in the library? And handed out to cars and autos in ticketing situations(even non-bike related tickets).
    Things I would like to see covered that I haven’t heard anyone suggest:
    –at four way stops drivers observe the four way rule that determines who goes next (first to the intersection or the vehicle to the right)and refrain from waving cyclists through -while, of course, using caution around whether the other vehicle (car/cycle) is going to use that rule correctly.
    –the printed suggestion/reminder to “first-slow down” when bikes are on the roadway.
    Thanks for your time and the work you do.

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