Reviewing the Portland Freight Master Plan
We noted in passing a few weeks ago that the discussion draft (PDF, 5.5MB) of the Portland Freight Master Plan had been released. It’s taken a few weeks to really absorb and internalize the contents of the plan. What’s the conclusion of the alternative transportation advocates? It doesn’t do any harm. Some neighborhood leaders were…
My Trip: Bike on Bus Challenges Smoothed by Drivers
A few weeks ago, I once again had to go to a medical appointment near Washington Square, and put my bike on the bus to get there. Much to my horror, just before we reached our destination, the driver stopped the bus and told me mike bike was slipping out of the rack! Apparently the…
Bicycle Safety
Over at Bike Portland, Jonathan has what I think is an important post about action on bicycle safety. I would encourage you to read it and comment there.
The Portland Bicycle: Could it Actually be a Service?
A lot of the commentary on past posts about the Portland Bicycle (a locally manufactured entry-level commuter bike) has opined that we can’t get the quality we want at the price point ($300 or under) that we’re aiming for, and what we could produce for that price isn’t anything anyone would want to ride for…
Evacuation, sans Car
I don’t own a car, and yet (to the great surprise of many relatives and family friends) I can pretty much get everywhere I need to without feeling like I’m sacrificing anything. Most of the time I bike, and that is plenty fast and convenient for me (not to mention freeing me up from needing…