Updated: 9 Points to Platinum
Sam and Earl will unveil their 9-point plan to get Portland to Platinum Cycling status at an event Thursday evening (7PM) at the downtown Bike Gallery store (SW 10th and Salmon). See you there. Update Feb 1st: Here are the nine points in the plan to be announced tomorrow: Nine-Part Strategy: 1.Significant enhancement of Portland’s…
Updated: Pedestrian Safety Hits Close to Home
Updated 1:20PM February 1st: KATU is reporting that Sara Cogan, 66, died from her injuries. Walking the dog last night, my partner and I came across the intersection of NW 23rd and Quimby (one block from our home) taped off with crime scene tape and a number of police vehicles in the area. Watching the…
KBOO Bike Show: The TriMet Squeeze
Have you heard about the cyclist who blocked a TriMet bus and was punched by a rider who was let off the bus? Probably you have because it was front page news in the Oregonian. Well, the issue has really blown up. People have all sorts of opinions on the incident, but now they are…
Now I’ve Heard Everything
As many of you know, I’m a big supporter of the idea of taking West Burnside from I-405 to NW 23rd down to 10-foot lanes (currently at 11 feet) to let the sidewalks expand to 10 feet from their current eight. The latest argument advanced by the opponents of this idea, mentioned at a recent…