Where’s my Bus?

TriMet has released their proposed temporary bus relocation plan for the period during which the Transit Mall will be torn up during construction.

Some buses will be relocated to Columbia/Jefferson (not clear from the map is that these buses will go up to Collins Circle and turn around).

Some others will go to 3rd and 4th. The rest with either go to 3rd and 4th or 10th and 11th. TriMet is interested in feedback on these two options.
TriMet has released their proposed temporary bus relocation plan for the period during which the Transit Mall will be torn up during construction.

bus relocation map

click on the map for a larger view

Some buses will be relocated to Columbia/Jefferson (not clear from the map is that these buses will go up to Collins Circle and turn around).

Some others will go to 3rd and 4th. The rest with either go to 3rd and 4th or 10th and 11th. TriMet is interested in feedback on these two options.

I encourage you to give feedback on TriMet’s site, but I’m also interested in your thoughts about the two options, and the whole plan, here.


One response to “Where’s my Bus?”

  1. I think the idea of just relocating all the buses to 3rd/4th, rather than a split of 3rd/4th and 10th/11th, makes the most sense. Otherwise, passengers wishing to transfer could potentially have to walk 7 blocks, rather than none to 3.

    Sure, auto traffic would suffer a bit… but, who cares? Maybe people would drive less as a result. :-D

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