Another Perspective on Bus Rapid Transit
The post on buses in toll lanes has generated a lot of discussion. Michael Wilson forwarded this article from Sierra magazine, containing an interview with Jamie Lerner, the former Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil.
Buses, Trains and Automobiles
Last night, the Downtown Neighborhood Association invited TriMet to a meeting to discuss issues around the Transit Mall Light Rail project. Last Friday’s Tribune sensationalized this to a degree. Looking over the written questions the association submited to TriMet, I was reminded of a challenge in working with neighborhood associations on large capital projects: the…
KBOO Bike Show needs bike songs
Ayleen passes along the following call for help: Hey Folks, We’re in need of bike songs. We always end the show with a bike song, but the ones we have are getting a little stale after so many years. We’ve got the Ken Southerland mix from Bikesummer we know all those. If you have songs,…
Virtual Busways on Toll Lanes?
Dave Brook forwarded this interesting piece from the San Fancisco Chronicle on merging tolls with bus rapid transit. While the idea is up for consideration in the Bay Area, it apparently is going to be tried in Houston. The basic idea is to put toll lanes alongside regular lanes, and control usage of the toll…