Another Crosswalk Enforcement Action
This just came across the wire: Please plan to join Portland Police Traffic Division and Portland Transportation for another Crosswalk Enforcement Action. On Thursday, February 16 we will be conducting our second Enforcement Action of 2006 at the marked crossing of SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. & SW US Veterans Hospital Rd. on the OHSU…
Mall Discontent II
Update – the morning after: Former Mayor Vera Katz, who chaired the original steering committee that signed off the design is now suggesting that the new information needs a review, as reported in the Tribune. Whatever you think about the downtown Transit Mall plan, it’s pretty clear TriMet is out of favor with the Downtown…
Electric Bikes Take Hold in China
Jerry passes along this article from IEEE Spectrum, apparently indicating that despite government attempts to ban them, electric bikes are thriving in China. My favorite quote from the story describes the U.S. as being in a “bubble” of highways and long-distance travel…
Golden Oldies: From Bike Summer 2002
Three episodes of the KBOO Bike Show from Bike Summer 2002 in Portland.
Mall Discontent
The Portland Tribune is reporting this morning on continuing opposition to TriMet’s plan for Light Rail on the Transit Mall. While some of the opposition seems a bit cranky, there are also some serious names, Ron Buel and George Crandell, expressing significant concerns about unintended consequences on the downtown environment. The critics will present an…