Category: Modes

  • Easier Streetcar Tickets

    We’ve discussed before that making the fare system for Streetcar easy to use is a challenge. Our fareboxes are somewhat unreliable and are difficult to use. We hope to acquire much better fareboxes when we make the leap across the river. However, until then, we’d at least like to make them easier to understand. Local…

  • Electric Bikes on Oregon Roads

    A fun article in Tuesday’s Trib on electric-assist bikes. An interesting assertion in the article is that when in powered mode, such bikes can’t be in the bike lane. Is this true? Is it good policy?

  • Advanced Topics in Congestion

    At the last TPAC workshop on the Regional Transportation Plan update, Metro presented their research on roadway conditions (freeways and arterials). There are some very interesting ways to visualize the situation. [Note: click on any slide to see a larger (and clearer) version.] A table showing what portion of our freeway and arterial network is…

  • Proactive Pedestrian Safety Tool

    After a serious accident on NW 23rd Ave took the life of one pedestrian and seriously injured another, NWDA Transportation Chair Kim Carlson got busy. Not only did she and other neighborhood leaders advocacy successfully with PDOT for safety improvements on 23rd and 21st, she set out to help pedestrian take safety into their own…

  • Streetcar and the RTP

    In the draft policy language for the Regional Transportation Plan update, there is a 3-tier classification of transit service: High Capacity Transit (MAX) Regional Transit (connects regional and town centers) Local Transit (bus) Streetcar was initially lumped in Regional Transit (along with TriMet’s frequent bus lines). While the proposed Lake Oswego Line might fit that…