Category: Modes

  • Watch Out TriMet, Here Comes Google

    From the NY Times, Google has its own transit service (registration required). Interesting that here, the business community’s reaction to congestion is to ask for billions in public investment, while in the Bay Area, the reaction is to create a new employment perk.

  • The Howell Line

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

  • KBOO Bike Show: Frames for Women, Cycling in Japan

    Listen to the show (mp3, 12.4M) This month’s program features Natalie Ramsland, a bicycle frame builder who runs SweetPea Bicycles, a company that makes bike custom frames especially fitted for women. Ayleen reflects on her recent trip to Japan.

  • Cycling School Bus

    Even as I was seething at the Oregonian over their Burnside editorial, another article was warming my heart. There was a great story (with photo) of a group of Cleveland High School students who regularly cycle to school from their Mount Tabor neighborhood. If also of us did what we could, like this group of…

  • Coming Up on the KBOO Bike Show: Biking in Japan

    This month’s program will feature Natalie Ramsland, a bicycle frame builder who runs SweetPea Bicycles, a company that makes bike custom frames especially fitted for women. Ayleen will reflect on her recent trip to Japan. Hosts Sara and Ayleen 9-10AM, Wednesday, March 7th KBOO FM 90.7 Streamed live at Podcast here later that day