Why Don’t Buses Have More Axles?
I was in yet another discussion on Friday where the topic arose that buses do more damage to our streets than any other vehicle, because their full weight falls on just four contact points. Which has me wondering, what keeps bus manufacturers from putting more axles on a bus, like a semi-trailer? Would it have…
Bus of the Future – in Stainless Steel
Passed on by regular commenter Ron Swaren: An engineer has designed an electric bus that runs on battery power. Putting motors in each wheel makes a transmission and driveshaft unnecessary, and allows the bus to ride closer to the ground for ease of entry. Using stainless steel also reduces weight. The prototype increases fuel efficiency…
TriMet Finalizes Service Cuts
According to the release, the cuts are essentially the same as the proposal at the open hours, with 5 exceptions: The proposal remains the same as presented at the April public hearings, except five lines (31, 63, 89, 152, 157) were changed to respond to rider concerns about connections to jobs, schools and other services.
From the Folks Who Brought You Walk Score…
The team that built Walk Score has a new a project – a utility that shows you are far you can get on transit in a given amount of time. Portland is one of three cities in the “Transit Time Map” technology demo.
Build Your Own HCT System
Metro has launched a tool that lets you select your own set of High Capacity Transit corridors, which will then be scored on cost, ridership and other factors. Take it out for a spin.