Development-Oriented Transit: Bus, Trolley Bus and Streetcar
How do we create pedestrian-friendly mainstreets and 20-minute neighborhoods? At the beginning of the last century Streetcars were the preferred tool, and here in Portland they are again at the beginning of this century here in Portland and increasingly in other U.S. cities. Of course it is not simply a matter of installing rails in…
Metro Pares HCT Study Corridors
Click map for full-size version The Metro Council recently adopted a list of High Capacity Transit corridors meriting further study in developing the new regional high capacity transit plan: Metro Council advances 15 priority areas for possible transit investments Corridors chosen will help improve region’s communities by increasing transportation options The Metro Council voted today…
Wither Fareless Square?
Updated: 02/09/2009 Here’s the presentation (PDF, 1.6M) given to TriMet’s Board of Directors on the topic… Original Post: 01/28/2009 Earlier today the TriMet Board received a briefing on Fareless Square choices to coincide with the September opening of the Green Line. My understanding is that this is the beginning of a public process that TriMet…
Hard Times Ahead for TriMet?
Indications are that TriMet’s payroll tax revenue has been strongly impacted by the recession. As a result, TriMet is looking at a 5-8% service reduction. The upcoming public process around fairless square will also be used to gather public input on these cuts. Let’s hope for a white knight: congressman Oberstar added several hundred million…
Upsetting the Transit Governance Apple Cart
This City of Fairview has added an interesting item to its legislative agenda: requiring an elected board of directors for TriMet.