End to a Positive Trend?
Sightline reports that per-capita gasoline usage in the Northwest is seeing an uptick after nearly a decade of decline.
The Rise of the eBike
I’m trying to re-arrange my schedule to get to this one… Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Spring 2010 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Geoff Rose, Director, Institute of Transport Studies and Transport Theme Leader in the Monash Sustainability Institute (bio) Topic: Emerging Implications of Electric Bicycles Abstract: A variety of types of electric bicycles…
Seattle to Ditch its Trolleybuses?
Via Planetizen: The Seattle Times is reporting that Seattle is considering replacing its electric trolleybuses with hybrid buses to save money, although this perspective is not universally supported. Human Transit has an analysis of factors that might cause cities to curtail or replace trolleybus systems.
It’s Raining Electric Vehicles in Portland
Apparently about 1000 will be deployed in the Willamette Valley thanks to some stimulus funding.
Cash for Clunkers, What’s a Sustainable Transportation Geek Supposed to Think?
The news was a-twitter (no, not Twitter, the old-fashioned a-twitter) this weekend that the “Cash for Clunkers” program from the Stimulus is apparently so popular that it blew through the available funding in 5 days and Congress is tripping over itself to approve another $2B in funding (or as we say around here, one-half of…