Category: Fuels

  • Invasion of the Golf Carts

    Sunday’s O details conflict between City and State laws in allowing folks in King City and Sherwood to take their golf carts to the grocery store. The same issue is being echoed nationally. What this really points to is latent demand for Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs), which are street legal, small electric vehicles. When are…

  • Sign of Times to Come?

    OK, so the photo is from the last price spike (hat tip to the reader who sent it to me then). But the O is reporting that gas prices are up 36 cents in the last month.

  • Toyota Prius to go Non-Hybrid

    The always-reliable has this hot automotive scoop today: Toyota announces non-hybrid Prius V6 From the article: “Our research shows that many people buy a Prius because they want to project the image of being environmentally friendly,” says a Toyota spokesperson. “The Prius V6 bestows the same ‘green chic’ while delivering the performance and acceleration…

  • Land Use Impacts May Tip Biofuels into the Red

    From the New York Times, the loss of natural ecosystems on land used to grow biomass may outweigh the benefits of biofuels in reducing greenhouse gases.

  • Biodiesel from sewage?

    This guest post is from Garlynn Woodsong. The East Bay Municipal Utility District is, according to this article, putting the finishing touches on a process that produces biodiesel from “Brown Grease,” or the grease that is collected from the kitchens at restaurants. They estimate that they could produce 700,000 gallons of biodiesel a year, or…