Oil Distributors Appeal Oregon Apollo Ballot Title
A few weeks ago, we reported on Oregon Apollo, a ballot initiative on a program for biofuels and energy independence. I just received an alert from the campaign that a group of Oil distributors have appealed the ballot title assigned by the Attorney General’s office: On the legal front, two oil industry trade groups requested…
Candidate Questionnaire II
Last month I proposed sending a Portland Transport questionnaire to all the candidates for Governor (well, at least the 3 top contenders in each party plus Mr. Westlund). I’ve been thinking more about this and have added a few questions. How about some more? Will the budget you submit to the legislature include funding for…
Oregon Apollo
I recently received an appeal for the Oregon Apollo Initiative. The initiative, named after the Apollo Lunar program, is being launched with a ballot measure (PDF, 32K). It’s goal is to make Oregon energy independent. The initiative would: Establish seven centers of clean and renewal energy excellence Establish an Energy Excellence Board to oversee them…
Candidate Questionnaire
Over on the There Oughta be a Law thread, it’s been suggested that Portland Transport might do a candidate questionnaire for the upcoming gubernatorial primaries. What questions would you want to ask aspiring candidates of both parties about transportation?
Election News from Washington State
From the Seattle PI: Voters reject shortened monorail line Initiative 912: Urban strongholds successfully keep gas tax The latter is signficant for our region as $50M of the gas tax in jeopardy goes to fund design work on the Columbia Crossing project.