Category: At the Polls

  • Reading the Tea Leaves

    Proposition 1 up in Puget Sound, with $30B in transit funding and $16B in lane-miles for roads, went down Tuesday. There seem to be a variety of theories on why: Voters were just saying “NO” to new taxes. Voters wanted to pick and choose projects, rather than buy into a bundle. Perhaps most intriguing, the…

  • Roads to be Issue in Wilsonville House Race

    The Daily Journal of Commerce is reporting that Associated General Contractors’ lobbyist Jessica Adamson will announce today as a Democratic candidate for the Oregon House seat being vacated by Jerry Krummel. She will make transportation a central issue in her campaign, according the headline of the article. On the Republican side in the same race,…

  • More Election Coverage

    Update: Willamette Week also has an article about the rising clout of cycling in Congress today. Jeff Mapes has a nice piece in the O this morning looking at how the bicycle lobby will likely have increased clout in DC come January. And in the Clackamas County Commission race, which looks a lot closer now…

  • Transportation Does Well at the Ballot Box

    According to the Daily Journal of Commerce, last Tuesday voters across the nation approved some 23 ballot measures for transportation projects (PDF, 108K), generating about $40B in revenue. Looking over the list, it seems to be a mix of roads and transit. Perhaps we should have paired up Greenspaces with a transportation package here in…

  • Reading the Tea Leaves

    So what do the election results mean for transportation here in the region? Here are a few guesses/questions: Nationally, Oregon will now have two strong majority voices on the House Transporation Committee (with DeFazio probably the vice-chair), which should be a great position for earmarks. Will a Democratic House mean more emphasis on alternative modes?…