Category: At the Polls

  • Not a good night for TriMet (UPDATED)

    November 2010 election results not good for TriMet

  • Metro President Candidate Presentations

    Earlier this week, my neighborhood association (Rose City Park) held its candidates fair. A number of candidates were present, as were presenters representing various ballot measures. Of particular relevance to PortlandTransport readers are the two candidates for Metro President. Here are videos of their presentations and Q&A sessions, presented in order of appearance and without…

  • The Oregon gubernatorial election and transit looks at the Oregon gubernatorial election between Democrat John Kitzhaber, and Republican Chris Dudley, and its potential affect on transit in the Portland area.

  • Big Picture Transit Measures – What’s in our local future?

    [Moderator: I’ve turned Douglas K’s comment in the Open Topics thread into it’s own post.] Douglas K. Wrote: In Los Angeles, voters approved Measure R by 67% to 33% – a $40 billion-over-30-year project to expand subway, light rail, commuter rail, busways, and local/limited bus service throughout Los Angeles County. In the Seattle area, voters…

  • Ballot Roundup

    Passed on by a reader, here’s a site with a roundup of all the transportation ballot measures voted up or down earlier this month. Reflect on it over your Thanksgiving Holiday. I’ll be giving thanks for our contributors and readers here at Portland Transport! — Chris