Author: EngineerScotty

  • Responding to Cascade Policy Institute on the role of transit (and other issues)

    Last week, John Charles of the Cascade Policy Institute penned his latest missive against Milwaukie MAX. While I share concerns about the cost of the project, I view a comprehensive rapid transit network throughout the metro region as something which is vitally important–and which will become moreso as gas prices and environmental pressures in the…

  • Dissent of the Day: Bikes vs transit?

    As mentioned in the comments for the Monomodal fixation disorder article, Jarrett Walker at Human Transit did a followup article on the subject. In the responses to that article, Human Transit commentor Eric Fischer said something quite interesting: For some bike people, the issue is that they fear being hit by large, fast, heavy vehicles…

  • October 2011 Open Thread

    It’s getting close to trick or treat time. Which of the items below are treats, and which are tricks is up to you. Now that the urban reserves are settled, Metro is considering an expansion of the Urban Growth Boundary [Ed: Link fixed] and is looking for community feedback. Ten areas are being considered. Industrial…

  • TriMet to study OPAL’s Campaign for a Fair Transfer

    The TriMet board today, before a packed house, considered a proposal from OPAL, the “Campaign for a Fair Transfer”, which would extend the validity of single-ride tickets to address equity issues in public transit. OPAL, an advocacy group which focuses on environmental and economic justice issues, claims that the reductions in service over the past…

  • “Human Transit” by Jarrett Walker, nearing publication

    Many of you are familiar with the excellent blog Human Transit, run by professional transit planner and native Portlander Jarrett Walker. Over the past several months, Jarrett has been working on a book by the same name, and it is nearing publication. It’s being published by Island Press, and is available for pre-order at various…