December 2011 Open Thread
Christmas presents? Or coal? ‘Tis time for the final Open Thread of the year. As pointed out in the comments of the last Open Thread, Clackamas County is trying to figure out where to come up with their $25 million contribution for MLR. The project to rebuild US20 east of Newport gets more bad news.…
Blue Oregon on the CRC
One of the state’s leading Democratic/progressive blogs takes a few whacks at the Columbia River Crossing, in a piece written by former Bicycle Transportation Alliance director (and occasional Portland Transport commenter) Evan Manvel.
Could TriMet become a “free” (or nominally-priced) service?
There’s been discussion lately about the fare structure of Portland’s transit agencies–both the Streetcar and TriMet itself. Much focuses on the current disconnect between Streetcar pricing (currently a sweetheart deal, especially for Streetcar users who don’t use TriMet-badged services) and the rest of the system. TriMet’s fares are currently above the national average. So here’s…
The Transportation-Industrial Complex?
The California High Speed Rail Authority (CAHSRA), the entity charged with overseeing the design and construction of the proposed HSR line eventually intended to connect the LA Basin with the Bay Area (and other points as well), last week dropped a proverbial taco into the punch bowl when they announced a revised business plan with…
UPDATED: Land use/transportation issues on the ballot, other land use odds and ends
Unofficial election returns on the items discussed in this post: C-TRAN operating level appears to be PASSING, 54%-46%. Clackamas County urban renewal: Both measures 3-386 and 3-388 PASS; 3-386 (which requires a countywide vote, rather than a vote within a proposed or existing UR district) passes with a wider margin (70% for 3-386, 64% for…