Anti-LRT activists in Clackamas County seek Milwaukie MAX referendum
The Oregonian’s Molly Harbarger reports that a group of activists in Clackamas County, opposed to the Milwaukie MAX project, is seeking to place a referendum on the ballot to prevent the county from contributing any money to “finance, design, construct or operate” the project. The petition, approved by the Board of Commissioners, will be reviewed…
More on the “panic stop” incident
Joseph Rose has more information about a TriMet passenger who was injured in the “panic stop” incident earlier this month. As you probably have heard, on December 2nd, a bike darted directly in front of the #9 bus, which was standing-room only, forcing the driver to panic-stop. The driver narrowly avoided missing the cyclist, who…
Peer-to-peer carsharing service coming to Portland
It appears Zipcar is getting a big of competition, of sorts. KGW-TV reports that Getaround, a so-called peer-to-peer carsharing service, will soon be coming to Portland after receiving a $1.7 million grant from the Federal Highway Association. The Oregonian‘s Joseph Rose also has coverage of the announcement. Unlike “traditional” carsharing services like Zipcar, WeCar, or…
On transportation waste
A pair of interesting articles showed up in the past week, highlighting a fundamental disconnect between various factions in the infrastructure wars. Ashley Halsey III of the Washington Post wrote an article bemoaning the lack of trust that much of the public has that their infrastructure dollars are being spent wisely, given the current state…
USDOT approves CRC
The US Department of Transportation has just issued a record of decision for the CRC. This represents the final regulatory hurdle for the project, meaning that the state DsOT can go forward with acquisition of land for the ROW and of construction. Of course, there’s still the matter of funding the thing…