Portland Afoot: TriMet “moving towards” asking Legislature to get involved in labor dispute.
Michael at Portland Foot is reporting that TriMet is looking to undo the current Oregon law which treats transit workers as essential (similar to police and firefighters), a designation which prevents labor stoppages (strikes or lockouts) and forces labor disputes into binding arbitration. Hints were dropped about the earlier this month, in particular with Lynn…
TriMet officially releases budget-balancing proposal
Mentioned in the Open Thread, but worthy of its own article. TriMet has officially released its new budget proposal (you can read the initial proposal here). Joseph Rose reports on the story here. The highlights, many of which have been discussed previously: Elimination of fare zones and Free Rail Zone. Equalize MAX and bus transfer…
Mayoral debate Monday, Feb 6, on active transportation issues
From Evan Manvel on the O-TRAN mailing list: For those near Portland, there’s a debate between Smith, Brady, and Hales on active transportation issues this upcoming Monday. Feb 6, 7pm Lincoln Performance Hall Portland State University A forum for Mayoral candidates Eileen Brady, Charlie Hales, and Jefferson Smith to answer questions regarding their priorities and…
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad House Transportation Bill? (UPDATED)
The US House recently unveiled their proposed Transportation Bill. And it’s horrible in pretty much every way: It gives the shaft to pretty much any mode of transport that doesn’t have an exhaust pipe; and proposes to pay for it all with a big heavy dose of drill baby, drill. It’s been roundly criticized by…
February 2012 Open Thread
A few items: Clackamas County is considering closing (for now) the Canby Ferry. One big problem is the recent closure of the Willamette Falls Locks–the ferry is due for an inspection and a new propeller, a project to be done in Portland, and now the ferry will need to be trucked to the drydock instead…