Author: Bob Richardson

  • TriMet announces new security measures, personnel.

    TriMet issued a press release yesterday outlining expansion of it’s security measures. Announced enhancements include: Hiring 15 more police officers. Hiring additional Field Supervisors (who may now check fares) and combining them with Fare Inspectors. Working with the District Attorney to request legislative changes to increase fines and penalties. Using a TSA grant to add…

  • Portland Streetcar Loop Visualizations

    I recently worked with the Portland Streetcar organization to develop 3D “visualizations” of the new loop route on the eastside, to be shown at public meetings and made available online. The project is a good example of how geographically-oriented data from many sources is converging to help people better-understand their communities and better-communicate ideas. Using…

  • Buses to return to transit mall; Public input on routes sought.

    As mentioned in the open thread, TriMet has now released it’s preliminary plans for returning buses to the Transit Mall. A series of public meetings will be held to gather input from riders. For full details, visit: A compilation of the comments from the open thread follows the break:

  • TriMet buses now feature internal Automated Stop Announcements

    From a TriMet press release today: Buses with internal Automated Stop Announcements (ASA) are now notifying riders where they are along bus routes on seven TriMet bus lines. ASA ensures people who are hearing or sight impaired and those new to transit are informed of upcoming stops, by providing both internal readerboard and voice announcements…

  • Toyota Prius to go Non-Hybrid

    The always-reliable has this hot automotive scoop today: Toyota announces non-hybrid Prius V6 From the article: “Our research shows that many people buy a Prius because they want to project the image of being environmentally friendly,” says a Toyota spokesperson. “The Prius V6 bestows the same ‘green chic’ while delivering the performance and acceleration…