T4America Hiring in Oregon

Transportation for America is hiring a field organizer for Oregon.

The position will be hosted at 1000 Friends of Oregon.

Responsibilities include:

  • Convene and provide staff support for a diverse coalition of partners and allies.
  • Provide assistance with local education and outreach efforts of Oregon groups.
  • Develop educational tools and materials on campaign goals and issues (in coordination with other local coalition partners and other T4America campaign teams).
  • Engage in policy advocacy, media outreach and organizing public events.
  • Support and strengthen creative partnerships and grassroots transportation reform campaigns in Portland, Eugene and other Oregon cities.
  • Build and manage a powerful field operation to mobilize “grasstops” supporters of
    campaign, including local business leaders, environmental organizations, labor unions, the real estate sector, equity and health groups, elected officials and others.

  • Expand the capacity of local and state campaign partners to engage with state and federal leaders on transportation and other related policies.
  • Analyze and translate federal policy goals and “best practices” in transportation reform into a Oregon-specific context through outreach to local groups and allies.

Unless some breaking news comes along, this will be my final pre-holiday post, so I’d like to take this opportunity to extend wishes to all our readers for a joyous and safe holiday season!

See you on Monday.

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