My “Dump the Pump” Competition Entries

Back in march, Chris alerted us to the American Public Transportation Association’s Dump the Pump Competition, where volunteer video makers could show their reasons for making the switch away from using gas/personal motor vehicles.

First off, the title of this post could “our” rather than “my” — so many great people volunteered their skills as actors, animators, extras and grips, that this turned out to be a bigger production than originally intended. And I mustn’t forget to thank the location owners, managers, and staff who graciously allowed us to film on their premises.

For these videos, I decided rather than to film testimonials, to go for short dramatic productions, and to interpret the “Dump the Pump” theme rather literally (you’ll see) and to broaden the alternatives to include bikes as well as bus and rail.

Thanks again to everyone who helped — the full credits are after the break. Now, without further ado, here are the three videos:

Tea Party:

College Buddies:



Created for the American Public Transportation Association “Dump the Pump” Competition

September, 2009

Produced, Written & Directed by

Bob Richardson

Girl at Tea Party

Cambriah Holzworth

Man in Bar

Gerry Birnbach

Woman in Café

Cai Gillis


Jeff Norombaba

Sound & Grip

Jason Evans

David P. Hogan


Homewoods on the Willamette

Oak Grove, Oregon


Portland, OR

Signal Station Pizza

St. Johns, Oregon

Special Thanks:

Mary Richardson

Jane Ridley

Oregon Governor’s Office of Film and Television

Michael Fine

Portland Mayor’s Office of Film and Video

10 responses to “My “Dump the Pump” Competition Entries”

  1. Very professional!

    One for the men, one for the women, and one for the kids, you must be in advertising Bob.

    I pick number three, the one with the woman.

  2. That’s so awesome that you won! Will the commercial actually air? You are now an official celebrity, Bob!

  3. Thanks everyone… I’m in contact with the 3D animator and with the actress who performed in “Romance”, to see how to split up the prize. (I already have an iPhone so don’t need an iPod touch, and I have a streetcar pass and don’t mind paying for my occasional MAX/bus usage, which is about once or twice a week at this time.) If it were a cash prize, it would be easy to split it up among all the volunteers.

    I don’t think it will air as an actual commercial — to do so, it would have to be edited to precisely 30 or 60 seconds and I haven’t been asked to do that. So I think it will live on as a web video only, at least for now.

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