Category: Transportation Planning

  • I-5 Delta Park Project Environmental Assessment Imminent

    This recently came in over the transom. We were happy to note that there is an option to get the report on CD to avoid consuming a tree to get the 400+ pages… I-5: DELTA PARK (VICTORY BOULEVARD TO LOMBARD SECTION) INTERSTATE 5 MULTNOMAH KEY NO. 12076 The Environmental Assessment for the I-5 Delta Park…

  • Report on Burnside Town Hall

    Commissioner Adams listens to Joe Zehnderfrom the Bureau of Planning Last night Commissioner Sam Adams hosted a town hall meeting on the Burnside Transportation and Urban Design Plan. Perhaps the first thing of note was the meeting and Sam’s style of running it. I don’t think either of the two previous Commissioners of Transportation would…

  • Burnside Transportation and Urban Design Plan

    Over at the Commish is blogging about controversy over the Burnside Couplet plan. I urge readers to attend the Town Hall mentioned to learn more about the project and put your views on record. As neighborhood transportation chair in Northwest Portland I had the opportunity to participate in two year-plus-long planning processes around the…

  • Social Justice and Transportation

    Last week I received an announcement for the Cascade Policy Institute’s Wheels to Wealth conference, subtitled “the role of auto ownership in reducing poverty”. My immediate reaction was that owning a car might be more of a financial burden than a benefit for a low income person, but I also thought about my own situation.…

  • An Opportunity to Discuss the Transportation Impacts of Big Box Retail

    The City Club’s Growth Management and Environment Issue Committee meets this Thursday, October 6th from 12- 1:30pm at the City Club Commons (901 SW Washington). The free program will feature Metro Councilor Robert Liberty who will address “big box” store issues facing our region. The discussion will explore impacts of these developments on our region’s…