Category: Transportation Planning

  • The Political Wisdom of Gordon Price

    When Gordon Price spoke at the PSU Traffic and Transportation Class a few weeks ago, he illustrated some fundamental problems with the way society thinks about its transportation choices. Here are three illustrations. Where does the money go? What’s the largest capital investment in transportation we make as a society? I ventured that it was…

  • Another Illustration of the Resource Gap

    In this morning’s Oregonian, James Mayer writes about the draft of the Oregon Transportation Plan. He highlights the gap, about $1B per year, between the revenue available, and the transportation needs outlined in the report. I’ll admit I haven’t read the report (PDF, 729K) yet, it will be a discussion topic at TPAC next week,…

  • Out of Context Problems

    Last Thursday I dropped in to the PSU/PDOT Traffic and Transportation Class to hear Gordon Price. I’ve heard Gordon a couple of times, but it’s been at least five years since the last time. It was well worth it, and fodder for at least a couple of posts. Gordon spent the first part of his…

  • Streetcar/Bike Conflict Averted

    We reported here a few weeks ago about a conflict brewing between bike lanes and streetcar tracks in South Waterfront. It was also blogged about in other places. I’m happy to report that City Council adopted a resolution this morning with a new concept that has the support of representatives of all the modes. The…

  • The Optimistic Side of Peak Oil

    I just finished reading an article in this month’s Wired magazine that provides the techno-optimistic perspective on peak oil. The article suggests that a number of alternative energy sources will become available as oil hits higher price points.