Shoup in Practice
Via Planetizen, San Francisco is gearing up for largest exercise (over 17,000 spaces) to date in dynamic pricing for parking, testing the ideas of Donald Shoup.
T4America Pushes Congress for a Green Recovery
This came over the transom this week: With the December holidays just around the corner, Americans everywhere are feeling the pinch. Congress knows we’re in trouble, but they can’t fix our country’s economy without making a down-payment to complete America’s transportation system. Urge your representative and senators to fight for strong transportation investment in the…
Least Cost Planning
The annual Oregon Business Plan Summit is next week, and in advance of the meeting they’ve published a discussion paper on transportation (PDF, 138K). I find one point especially refreshing: 3. Develop new transportation planning and project selection tools to assure that each dollar spent on new transportation capacity achieves the greatest return on investment.…
Fix it First Generates More Jobs?
A blog post over at the Oregon Environmental Council makes the case that fixing our existing roads and bridges will generate more jobs than building new roads or lanes.
Tolling = Better Land Use Policy?
Via Planetizen: A new paper published by Brookings (PDF, 571K) suggests that pricing of commute routes would lead to both reduction in sprawl and more affordable housing. But commentary on the paper also suggests that this may produce inequities for lower income households that may need to be offset somehow.