More on TriMet vs ATU 757: Whose cuts?
A list of cuts (benefits/salary reductions, layoffs, etc.) affecting TriMet personnel over the past decade, particularly those affecting the agency’s non-union personnel.
TriMet and the Trust Gap Part 5: The perfect storm and the $800 million fruit salad
A discussion of TriMet’s finances.
TriMet and the Trust Gap Part 4: The equity question and the labor/ridership dispute
Chris has been doing a series on mapping service equity–examining the correlation between transit service, income levels, and population density in different census tracts. It’s a useful exercise to see how well different communities are being served by transit–there are many parts of the metro area which are poorly served (and some not at all),…
“Drive ’till You Qualify” Put to Rest
Streetsblog has a nice piece on some very thorough research by the Center for Neighborhood Technology looking at combined house/transportation affordability. Portland’s maps here.
Is Transit the Path to More Jobs?
A recent study by Smart Growth America and friends suggests that transit construction projects generate more jobs dollar-for-dollar than highway projects. On the operations side, T4America has a petition urging President Obama to include transit operating funds in the next jobs bill. You can sign here.