TriMet Cleans Up its Act
TriMet reports that it has installed exhaust filters on 45 of it’s oldest buses. Combined with the use of cleaner fuel, this reduces particulates and emissions by up to 90%. This brings the buses up to the standard applied to newer vehicles. TriMet will eventually roll out this technology to the oldest 1/3 of it’s…
Where’s the Justice in it?
Yesterday’s Trib has a lengthy article (and companion story) on health issues along the I-5 corridor in North Portland linked to the freeway and the emissions that come with it. I think this issue (environment justice) is given far too little consideration in the Columbia Crossing discussions. The federal regs will actually require Metro to…
City Planning and Child Health
via Planetizen this article makes connections between urban planning and children’s health. Just a couple of the points: The decline of kids walking to school may correlate with the rise in diabetes Exercise may be more effective than Ritalin in controling hyperactivity
Take your Grandparents for a Walk
Passed on by a reader: article says walkable communities may make for healthier elders.
Hope for Benzene Reductions
Saturday’s O reports that the EPA is going to regulate benzene content of gasoline in the NW (nationwide, actually). Good news! Thank you Ron Wyden. But can we hold our breath until 2015?