Making the Connection Between Streets and Health
The Northwest Health Foundation is funding a study in the Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhood to look at the connections between sidewalks, street connectivity and other infrastructure and health. Details from the Daily Journal of Commerce.
Are Electric Bikes Active Transportation?
Last week I rented an eZee Sprint for a three-day test ride. I was trying to solve a specific problem. As some of you know, I live in NW Portland and commute occasionally to my employer’s offices in Wilsonville. In recent years I’ve been primarily a telecommuter, at one point telecommuting 9 days out of…
Putting Numbers to Transportation and Health
Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Spring 2009 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Jean Wolf, President, Co-Founder of Geostats Topic: Measuring Travel and Physical Activity Using GPS and Accelerometry: Applications for Transportation and Health When: Friday, April 17, 2009, 12:00 – 1:00pm Where: PSU Urban Center Building, SW 6th and Mill, Room 204
Global Warming Expensive for Oregon
$3.3B per year according to an article in the Business Journal, much of it stemming from energy costs and health effects.
Transit and “Food Deserts”
The Sunday O has a feature article on “food deserts”, areas with poor access to grocery stores and particularly choice among grocery stores. It details the story of one family in the Cully neighborhood that makes a 1+ hour (each way) transit ride to a discount warehouse grocery 10 miles away. I’m contrasting this with…