Breathing Locally: How Toxic is Transportation? DEQ at PSU
Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Winter 2007 Transportation Seminar Series Speaker: Gregg Lande, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Topic: Air Quality: Toxics and Transportation When: Friday, February 9, 2007, 12:00-1:30 pm Where: 204 Urban Center
A post on Streetsblog references research suggesting that children living within 500 meters of highways have impaired lung function.
More on Sprawl and Obesity
Reporting from Science News, passed on by a reader. Living on a cul-de-sac = 10 lb weight gain?
Wonders of Walking
A brown bag presentation tomorrow and Wednesday Join Judy Heller and Experience “The Wonders of Walking” Judy Heller knows walking! As one of the region’s foremost experts on walking Heller has trained and motivated people from all walks of life to participate in events, relays, and even marathons. Heller was chosen as the national coach…
Cleaner Medical Transport
The Daily Journal of Commerce is reporting that OHSU, Legacy, Providence and Kaiser have jointly launched a “Clean Diesel Hospital Zones” initiative: Retrofit technology will be put into practice in the hospital project. Each system will use its yet-to-be divvied piece of the $250,000 grant to focus on specific emissions needs. At Providence Health System,…