An Open Letter to City Council
Update: 11/2/06 Council held the public hearing yesterday and passed the TOD abatement program update to second reading next week. Commissioner Saltzman actually moved my suggestion for unbundled parking (adding it to the public benefit list) as an amendment, and it will be part of the package voted on next week. Here are the other…
Transit Oriented Development Webcast TODAY
Sorry for the late notice. This first session in this webcast series, titled “TOD: Connecting Neighbors to Neighborhoods and Communities to Regions”, is today at 11am Pacific. Get the details at: http://www.lisc.org/content/calendar/detail/1233?AddInterest=1025
Bookshelf: The New Transit Town
Link to book at Amazon.com Link to book at Powell’s Link to book at Multnomah County Library List Price: A great overview of Transit Oriented Development principles and practices. Covers issues from planning to finance including case studies based on actual projects. Explains why many TOD projects to date have failed to meet expectations (some…