Category: Safety

  • Global Road Kill

    Via Slashdot: An interactive map of road death rates worldwide. Depressing.

  • Making the Illegal Safe?

    My interest was piqued by something I learned at a recent Planning and Sustainability Commission meeting. We were being briefed on the Outer Powell Safety Project by ODOT. This $6M project will address some issues in the high-crash corridor from SE 111th to SE 174th. BikePortland has a nice write-up as well. One element caught…

  • Time to Support Broadway/Flint/Wheeler Safety Project!

    Last year I called out the Broadway/Flint/Wheeler intersection as the outstanding presentation in the Traffic and Transportation class. The realization of this effort, in the form of a PBOT project design, is now on the “150% list” for funding in ODOT’s STIP process. The final selection of funded projects will occur shortly. I’m told the…

  • Roundabouts: Good for What Ails You

    An alert reader sent us this literature review page from WSDOT, touting the benefits of roundabouts: 37 percent reduction in overall collisions 75 percent reduction in injury collisions 90 percent reduction in fatality collisions 40 percent reduction in pedestrian collisions

  • Security, or Security State?

    The “CommunityCam” project recently came to my attention by way of an e-mail from one of the project members. It’s a crowdsourcing effort to identify security cameras that observe the public right-of-way. The motivation of the project is to make it easier to generate evidence in the case of a crime or incident (video of…