Updated: Pedestrian Safety Hits Close to Home
Updated 1:20PM February 1st: KATU is reporting that Sara Cogan, 66, died from her injuries. Walking the dog last night, my partner and I came across the intersection of NW 23rd and Quimby (one block from our home) taped off with crime scene tape and a number of police vehicles in the area. Watching the…
Updated: Crosswalk Enforcement Action Tomorrow
Update 11 January 2006: Over at Commissioner Sam they’re reporting that 25 citations were issued, 10 of them to bikes and peds. The Commissioner reportedly survived the exercise.
Another Crosswalk Cop Out
Friday’s Oregonian has an article about the City lowering speeds on Capitol Highway. While we’re all in favor of lowering speeds for safety, we also note that article indicates the City refused a suggestion from the neighborhood association to add a crosswalk. Will Stevens of PDOT is quoted: “adding crosswalks without a traffic signal or…
Traffic Enforcement in the Netherlands
We had the opportunity to spend about two hours with Chief Smoorenburg during our visit to Amsterdam (the chief’s HQ was outside Utrecht, a one hour train ride, 30 minute tram ride and 20 minute walk from Amsterdam). The Chief is responsible for traffic enforcement for the county surrounding Utrecht.
Licht aan! (Get Lit!)
Sometimes the parallels are just eerie. In the Netherlands a major safety campaign was under way to get cyclists to have proper lights. They even had cops handing out lights. Sound familiar? The difference I noticed with a lot of ‘programs’ like this in the Netherlands is that they get a lot of promotion -…