Category: Safety

  • Neighborhood Traffic Calming

    The Friday seminar at PSU this week will be about neighborhood traffic calming, a perennial favorite: Portland State University Center for Transportation Studies Spring 2006 Transportation Seminar Series Topic: Neighborhood Traffic Calming: From Investigation to Implementation Speakers: Kevin Chang, King County Department of Transportation When: Friday, May 5, 2006, 12:00-1:30 pm Where: 204 Urban Center…

  • Stranger Danger and Transportation

    I came across an interesting blog post from a family trying to live car-free for a year. One of the interesting aspects is getting the kids to various places. This launches into the topic of “stranger danger”, the fear that someone is going to abduct our kids. Certainly I know that when our kids were…

  • Safety vs. Convenience

    A few months ago, a pedestrian was tragically killed on NW 23rd not far from my home. The immediate response from the neighborhood was to ask for lower speed limits and striped crosswalks at all intersections. The Tribune reported yesterday that the business association has withdrawn their support for the crosswalks. Apparently they are concerned…

  • Dreaming a Tea Party in the Middle of Traffic

    I never met Sara Cogan before she was struck by a Honda Accord while crossing NW 23rd Avenue at Quimby Street. It was the evening of January 31, and she and her daughter-in-law, Danielle, were heading home. It was a rainy night. The car, driven by 23-year-old Colleen McClure, apparently struck Danielle first, and then…

  • Another Crosswalk Enforcement Action

    This just came across the wire: Please plan to join Portland Police Traffic Division and Portland Transportation for another Crosswalk Enforcement Action. On Thursday, February 16 we will be conducting our second Enforcement Action of 2006 at the marked crossing of SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. & SW US Veterans Hospital Rd. on the OHSU…