Category: PSU/PDOT Class

  • Classy Presentations

    One of the perks that comes with publishing this blog is the opportunity to sit on the panel reviewing student presentations for the PSU/PDOT Traffic and Transportation class. I can’t emphasize enough what a great program this – many neighborhood and transportation activists have graduated from this class. This year, we are delighted to have…

  • Become an Effective Transportation Advocate

    Once again, it’s time for the annual PSU/PDOT Traffic and Transportation Class. There’s no better way to understand how transportation works in this city, and how to work to influence it. This class has launched many activists, including yours truly. Calling all neighborhood activists – Learn how the city that works, works! And how you…

  • Back to School

    Well, maybe not yet. But it’s not too soon to think about the fall PSU/PDOT Traffic and Transportation Class. As I’ve said in the past, this is a great way to get launched into transportation activism (it worked for me) or to raise the level of your game if you’re already an activist. Run, don’t…

  • Featured Presentation: Putting 39th on a Diet

    The highlighted class project from this year’s Portland Traffic and Transportation Class is from Nellie Korn. You can read Nellie’s full presentation here (PDF, 1.5M). Below are a few featured slides. I selected Nellie’s presentation to highlight because it both had a succinct problem statement and recommended solution, and because the policy and politics of…

  • A Class Unto Themselves

    A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure to be part of the panel providing feedback on student presentations at the PSU/City of Portland Traffic and Transporation Class (a training ground for transportation activists that yours truly is an alumnus of). Under an agreement with the class organizers, Portland Transport is the official online respository…