The proposed Metro UGB expansion into South Cooper Mountain
In this month’s open thread, it was noted that Metro was considering an expansion of the urban growth boundary, which will be voted on at Thursday’s council meeting. Metro staff proposed a recommendation containing a list of ten sites (three industrial, and seven residential/commercial); of these ten, three were initially endorsed by the acting Chief…
SW Corridor now has a “fact sheet”
The public process of the Southwest Corridor project is moving along, with publication of a project fact sheet, and the designation of committee stakeholders. The fact sheet is the more interesting bit, given that it comes with this map showing the corridor area (map courtesy Metro): As you can see, in addition to the “obvious”…
Southwest Corridor project starting up, wins $2 million FTA grant
The next rapid transit corridor to be extensively studied in the Portland Metro area, what many in the media (including us) have been calling the “Barbur Boulevard” corridor, has a new (and more generic) name (The Southwest Corridor) and a $2 million grant from the FTA.