Category: Southwest Corridor

  • Southwest Corridor Questionnaire

    This past Thursday, May 23rd, a community planning forum was held to present and discuss the current status of the SW Corridor, and solicit more community input. For those who didn’t attend, the materials have been posted on the project’s home page, and there is an online questionnaire for those who wish to add their…

  • Southwest Corridor: Transportation “Bundles”

    The latest report from the Southwest Corridor steering committee is now available, and it is interesting, to say the least: The committee is considering several project options: Light rail to Tigard Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to Tigard BRT to Tualatin BRT to Sherwood Something called “hub and spoke”, which appears to involve no major investments…

  • Where Would You Put Transit Stations in the Southwest Corridor?

    Metro has a new on-line planning tool up for the Southwest Corridor project. It lets you choose where you think the station areas should be for High Capacity Transit (but you only get to pick five!) and also gets your input on modal and community investments. Check it out, it’s called “Shape Southwest”.

  • BRT, LRT advance in Southwest Corridor

    Before the meat of the post, some apologies for my scarcity the past two months or so. I always seem to take blog-cation in the fall, and it happened again this year–have been quite busy with work and home, so haven’t had much time for PT. (Plus, I’ve been focusing a bit more on the…

  • Pros and Cons of Center- vs. Curb-Running Bus Rapid Transit

    The City of Boston has created a pretty nice one-sheeter laying out the advantages, disadvantages, and design principles of running exclusive bus lanes in the center of a road vs. along the curb. As the Portland region considers BRT for future rapid transit lines (Powell/Division, Clackamas to Washington Square, and the SW Corridor are all…