Category: Projects

  • Stinging CRC Rebuke from NYC

    I just want to highlight this comment left earlier this evening on an earlier post about the Columbia River Crossing. Hard to say it more articulately: February 8, 2011 8:09 PM David Bragdon Says: The real question, and the one which will determine whether anything gets built, is whether the Governors recognize that for the…

  • Playing Devil’s Advocate: What if we wait?

    A discussion on the timing of big-ticket capital projects.

  • The Box Girder CRC is Dead, Long Live the CRC

    As reported by the O’s Joe Rose, the “Bridge Review Panel” for the Columbia River Crossing, convened in response to the Independent Review Panel’s concerns about the unproven “open web box girder” design has recommended terminating that design and choosing from among three other design types: Cable Stay Tied Arch Deck Truss The 146-page report…

  • Looking to State to Plug Milwaukie Gap?

    I heard third hand today that Metro and TriMet made a pitch to the Oregon Transportation Commission today to make a multi-year commitment of flexible funds (Federal I assume) to help close the funding gap on the Portland-to-Milwaukie LRT project. Anyone have first hand details?

  • No State CRC Funds this Session?

    That seems to be the message from co-Speaker Bruce Hanna as reported in the Trib: Don’t count on getting state matching money this legislative session to build a new bridge to Vancouver, two lawmakers told Portland business leaders Wednesday.