Category: Projects

  • More CRC Happenings

    The DOTs appear set on picking the ugly design (PDF), even over the protests of their own Urban Design Advisory Group. The Northeast Coaltion of Neighborhoods will hold a public forum on the Columbia River Crossing on March 7th.

  • The future of commuter rail in Portland

    A discussion of the future prospects of commuter rail (including WES) in the Portland area.

  • Port Funded CRC Advocacy Group

    Sarah Mirk at the Merc is reporting that the Port of Portland provided $50K in funding to the business-centric “Columbia River Crossing Coalition” which advocates in support of the project. “Astroturfing” doesn’t quite describe this, we need a different word…

  • Following the CRC Saga

    Steve Duin isn’t shy regarding his feelings about the project’s management. Meanwhile, the chair of the Columbia River Crossing Bridge Review Panel will present the three recommended design types this Thursday: Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011 6-7:30 p.m. Portland Expo Center, Hall D 2060 N Marine Drive, Portland

  • Streetcar One Step Closer to Lake Oswego

    The Community Advisory Committee for the Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Project has recommended the Streetcar alternative, using Macadam Avenue in Johns Landing. The committee further recommends that the other two major alignment questions, how to route through Dunthorpe (on the existing rail right of way or on Riverwood Rd) and whether or not to…