Category: Projects

  • Is the Enemy of My Enemy My Friend?

    I can’t say I have a lot of love for folks who attempt to use the initiative system to limit the role of government. I cut my teeth in statewide politics a decade ago working to oppose measures by anti-tax activists that would have gutted critical services. But now here is Tim Eyman, Washington State’s…

  • CRC Picks Managers

    It appears that the Governors are serious about moving the Columbia River Crossing forward, but I still don’t see it happening until they pin down local match commitments from the respective legislatures. Meanwhile the folks at Third Bridge Now tell me they have been busy lobbying at the Oregon Legislature with their alternative vision.

  • Common Sense for the CRC

    Spencer Boomhower has another terrific video illustrating Columbia River Crossing issues. This one outlines the “Common Sense Alternative” developed by George Crandall and Jim Howell. See it after the jump.

  • Crunch Time for the CRC in Salem?

    It’s an interesting time for the Columbia River Crossing in Salem, a venue where the Legislature as yet to EVER take a vote on this project. Perhaps that time will come soon. On tap this week: The Governors of Oregon and Washington are about to announce a bridge type selection and a plan for keeping…

  • Thinking about solutions for the Beaverton-Wilsonville corridor

    A discussion of possible solutions to the Beaverton/Wilsonville corridor.