Category: Projects

  • Arterial Bridge haunts CRC

    The Arterial Bridge option has been haunting the bi-state deliberations on the Columbia River crossing for some time. I was a member of the Governors’ I-5 Task Force…the so called “Trade Partnership”… (I cast the lone dissenting vote on the final report), and recall the night about mid way through our several years long discussion…

  • Report from the CLF CRC Forum

    Photo courtesy Jonathan Maus Photo courtesy Jonathan Maus Update: An audio clip (QuickTime player required) is now available at NW Progressive Institute. I had an enjoyable time at CLF’s Columbia River Crossing forum last night. The crowd was lively, and generally skeptical. A theme emerged, which is that many folks, including some elected officials and…

  • Roadways and Safety

    The final white papers for the Regional Transportation Plan update are out: Regional Roadway System (PDF, 289K) Safety (PDF, 1M) The first paper has the predictable review of congestion, but I found two interesting factoids as well: it’s not just the road systems that’s aging, but also our drivers, and this will affect everything from…

  • Alternative Forum on the Columbia Crossing

    The Coalition for a Livable Future is holding a forum on the CRC Thursday evening. Yours truly will be one of the panelists. Here’s the complete skinny: You may have read in the paper recently that the options being studied by the Columbia River Crossing (CRC) Project – a transportation project focusing on the 5-mile…

  • Next Round of Public Input on Columbia River Crossing Starts

    As we’ve discussed, the staff recommendation (PDF, 1.8M) for the Environmental Impact Statement phase of the analysis of the Columbia River Crossing product is to look at two options (in addtion to the “no build” do nothing option which is required by Federal rules): Replacement Freeway Bridge with Light Rail and Replacement Freeway Bridge with…